
Greetings fellow reader and welcome to my blog! I’m happy to have you here.
I’m just an average bloke in my mid twenties embarking on a quest to pursue financial independence for my future. I want to document my learnings and progress on this blog in the hopes of inspiring others to chase their financial goals and dreams.

My Journey

Throughout my life, I’ve always just followed the path laid out for me. I had no interest in learning outside of the school curriculum. I was following the typical narrative, of going to uni, getting a degree, getting a job, etc. and possibilities outside this were not even in my realm of thought or consideration.


At the end of 2018, I had graduated university. I had always prided myself in being able to get through a difficult degree – I’d hear the “you must be smart to be studying engineering” from people, which reinforced to me that I was doing well in life; that I was on the right path; that I was successful.

A few months after graduating, I experienced what I would describe to be a breakdown. This was uncomfortable as the illusion of my ‘success’ – the pillar of my sense of self-worth –  was insufficient in saving me from plunging into the darkest depths of my mind. In the darkness I had realised that my path in life and who I was as a person was driven and influenced by the external world, and not from within. A big learning I took away from that was I realised that I had always been taught what to think, and not how to think.


After that humbling experience, I then embarked on a long journey of unlearning and learning – becoming again as a child to be filled with wonder and curiosity towards life and the possibilities. I had never been a reader, so the first step I took was to go to the bookstore to see what I can grab, and this is where I came across the book Rich Dad Poor Dad. This book completely shattered my previous conceptions of money and the financial world. I’ve since listened to many entrepreneurial stories and I would say 80% of the people have said that this book was the turning point for them also.


Anyway to conclude, I want this blog to keep me accountable in this journey. To motivate me to keep learning. To maintain that childlike wonder and work towards making my dream of financial independence into a reality. I hope this blog is able to do for others what Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad has done for me, and that is… to give a shift in perspective!