My Revised Content Creation Strategy

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Your knowledge and insights are valuable Carrying on from my previous blog post, since I’m on the road of self-improvement, I’m coming across many insights and useful lessons on my…

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Unleashing my higher self

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Why tf am I blogging so much lol… I’ve done like 15,000 words+ of journaling in the past 3 weeks. There’s this concept from Jordan Peterson which says that if you’re lost…

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Getting a mentor…

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I’ve recently gotten a mentor. Which will be a one day 1:1 full intensive workshop to analyse my business and direction moving forward. I put down my deposit but haven’t had the…

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The Perfect Customer Avatar

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What is your niche? “Creating demand is hard. Filling demand is much easier. Don’t create a product, then seek someone to sell it to. Find a market—define your customers—then find…

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Entrepreneurship journey – the Blueprint

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Intro Welcome back, fellow traveller.It took me a while to reach this point so I’m happy I have some sort of direction now after pushing through the chaos in order…

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The Voyage of Entrepreneurship so far…

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Welcome fellow traveller! Gonna be a long blog post so I’ma just dive straight in.  So the ultimate aim… the ultimate goal is financial freedom.Financial freedom equals:·      More time with family·      Be…

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Property Post #15 – Interest Rates

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The interest rates are rising!! AHHHHH!!!! Don’t buy property now… just wait!! AHH!Yes I’ve heard all the news about interest rates shooting up and people are all skitzed out. The fear may be…

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