September 2021 Journey Update

September 2021 Journey Update

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We use these monthly updates as a tool to keep us accountable on our journey.

Hello and welcome to our September monthly update! 

Mr. Shift

Portfolio/Cash update








$59,215 (+3.69%)

$7,362 (+$3,905)



$3,000 (-$4,362)

The market experienced a bit of a dip this month and my cash has also went down (since I purchased a ‘new’ second hand vehicle haha.

Quest items completed (from last month)

Last month I did have a to-do list, which and I have ticked off the following tasks:

·      Finished PropertyPost#7 & PropertyPost#8 as planned!

Monthly Summary

I was able to finalise my decision of what loan option I wanted to go with, which was investment loan and interest only. This was something which was a bit of a struggle for me, as the allure of the PPOR route with stamp duty concession seemed like a great option. However, with the particular strategy I have in mind, I think going down the investment loan option would be the better option for me.

My current trajectory

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four hour sharpening the axe.” – Abraham Lincoln

I’ve spent the past 2-3 months doing my due diligence and trying to understand and research all of the factors needed before diving into property investing. There must be a balance between consuming and action taking, and I believe I’ve done a sufficient amount of consumption and it’s time to get out there and take action!

Next Month’s Quests

The month of October should be a big month for me. I’m hoping to:

·      Begin engaging with a buyer’s agent

·      Get my pre-approval

·      Start looking for potential property managers

·      Begin the property hunt!

Mrs. Shift

Networth Update

I’ve finally hit $100k+ in networth! This is due to a combination of supposed slight capital gains in my property, doing my tax return (paying off some of my HELP debt) and cashing out some returns from my former company’s stocks. My former company is being bought out, and as such, the stocks were at an all time high due to the offers made by the buyer. Because I don’t really follow their dealings as I don’t work there anymore, I thought it would be a good time to sell and put the extra cash into my offset account.

Portfolio/Cash update










$23,365.76 (+ 4.97%)


$25,940.71 (- $39,526.23) for deposit


$19,619.56 (- 16.03%) sold shares

$535,000 (+ 0.09%)

$30,830.07 (+ $4899.36)


To track the change in property we decided to utilise what Aussie Firebug utilises to track their properties. Like AFB, we use a service provided by Commonwealth bank who use Various data sources (RP data, etc.)  in combination of what similar surrounding properties were sold for to calculate an estimate. This is an official Commonwealth bank estimate and one which they use to approve loans. Might not be perfect, but it’s better than nothing (or better than paying for a valuation every month!).


For the moment, I was able to catch a glimpse of my property worth (technically last month), however, this value is now hidden for three months after the purchase of the property. As such, my current property value won’t be updated for the next ~2 months or so.


In terms of cash increase – it obviously only looks as good as it does because I sold some shares, but if that didn’t happen the increase would’ve been more slight as I’ve spent a bit on furniture. The same will be true for next month as well, when Sydney opens up its doors to retail as we approach 70% vaccination in the population. Click and collect has had its limitations, and so there are some things I’m waiting to go into store for, like a couch! Where I’d like the chance to sit on it before I commit to buying 🙂