Weekly Journal #6

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*These weekly reflections are just a personal accountability thing for myself (Mr.Shift) to keep consistent with my weekly reflections of how the week went, and what I can do to improve. This is mainly to help me develop the habits I want to keep improving week by week moving forward.




Summary of the week

This week I’d say would be better than average for side-hustle, but maybe slightly less than average for work.


Side hustle

I’ve been quite productive after work and really dedicated with my side hustle and study. I’ve been making the progress I’ve wanted to make with my blog posts, especially with Property Post #8. One thing I’m proud of myself doing was fitting in 8×25 minute ‘pomodoros’ study sessions on a Saturday while not being at home!



Maybe my productivity has taken a bit of a hit, and I think one factor {which outside my control} is that workload is dropping. Which is ok.

One factor which is in my control is that I am becoming more lenient with my pomodoros and not remaining disciplined, sometimes pausing it or getting distracted and doing some other stuff. This can really throw me off. Or maybe multitasking boring tasks with Youtube on the side – I think I get too much dopamine off the Youtube which makes me a lot lazier to do tasks where I need to focus.


Lessons for this week

·      Dopamine can be dangerous – When I engage in a task with a lot of dopamine, such as watching a movie, then I can really feel a significant drop in my motivation for other more important life tasks. I can treat this week’s encounter with this as an affirmation or reminder to minimise my dopamine activities to help me remain more focused on my goals and the things I need to get done.

·      Routine is king – Last week I made mention of how important a morning routine was and how I need to try my best to maintain it over the weekend. However, I didn’t make mention also of the importance of a night routine. This week I stayed up quite a bit after my bedtime and did not do my typical routine to calm my mind before bed. I couldn’t sleep for 3 hours because of this – I think if I had just taken the 20-30 minutes to calm my mind, read/meditate or whatever before bed, then I would’ve been able to fall asleep just fine.


Reflection/How I could improve

·      Stick to my morning/night routines

·      Like I mentioned last week, I need to better clearly define my short-term and medium-term goals. At minimum, I at least need to know what I want to accomplish for the week and for the day.