My Revised Content Creation Strategy

My Revised Content Creation Strategy

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Your knowledge and insights are valuable

Carrying on from my previous blog post, since I’m on the road of self-improvement, I’m coming across many insights and useful lessons on my journey which is valuable. I just need to have systems in place to be able to properly transfer what’s in my mind to content.


Sharing is caring mindset.

There is A LOT OF THINGS I am learning on my path to self-improvement. When I journal about a particular thing or am going through a learning experience… why not share it with the audience?

Share it in a podcast.

Share it in a video.

Share it in a short.

Share it in a community post.

Share it in discord.

This is the Stephen which is embodying his higher self.

Overcoming negative beliefs

Negative Belief #1 – Social media is a vanity tool

I’ve got a negative outlook on social media which is a very conflicting belief.


Since social media is a tool which can be used for good.


But I feel like I’m just a bit traumatised to use it more and share more because I’m afraid of losing myself. Because when I had it before, I just wanted to impress other people and I lost myself. And I have a negative outlook on people who use social media to brag about stuff to make them feel good – because I see an old reflection of myself there and in a way I’ve attributed the idea of frequent posting = me trying to validate my life (which was my thinking pattern before)

But as I said, this is a conflicting belief. Social media can be used as a tool for good. What would happen if I didn’t come across all the amazing positive social media accounts I love? Some social media accounts are making such a positive impact in the world and have genuinely changed my life.


I think a question to ask myself instead is; if I show up as my true and authentic self, then in a similar way I can be paying the positivity forward.


I like this perspective from Dan Koe;

Negative Belief #2 – “But I’m an introvert, I like to keep to myself.”


What if every single one of the influencers who made an immense impact in my life gave the same excuse and kept to themselves?


I think Buddha got enlightenment after years of solitude then decided to spread his learnings to the world; he didn’t remain in isolation and keep his secrets to himself. He went out to share his findings – and we see the impact he’s made from that.


What story are you telling yourself?

The story I’m telling myself is “I’m an introvert and it drains me when I talk to too many people… blah blah blah, etc.”

But at the same time, I feel in flow when I’m giving value.

So… this is just old programming I need to let go of.



·      I gain energy interacting with my community

·      I love talking with my audience

·      I love sharing with my audience. They’re my team.

My energy

I can override these negative belief systems with connecting with the energy of my purpose.

I realise that when I’m talking to others about what I’ve learnt, I am in a genuine state of flow and when I’m helping others, I’m in a state of flow.

I enter a state of flow when I’m aligned with my purpose and serving.

This is the energy I need when showing up to content creation.

Hermit Life

I’ve been off the grid of social media for so long (no fb or insta) and I still feel like I’m in a ‘shell’ of hiding and that I need to get out of my shell and start making authentic content which is valuable to people.


In this blog post I will try to narrow down and get specific on exactly how my life will look like if I embody my higher self.


Then I will SCRIPT how exactly this will look like…

What is the BRAND FEEL

Let me first start of with what vibe I have seen from some content creators which I don’t like.

·      Lack of enthusiasm

·      Lack of updates and posting

·      Lack of community engagement


And guess what… I’m a culprit of ALL of these. Me seeing it in other creators was a mirror back to myself.


And ultimately how this makes me feel, as a subscriber or fan of someone who appears to have lack of enthusiasm, makes me feel like “aw man this creator doesn’t really care about me or the audience they just care about themselves.” Which may be completely far from the truth – they may have had some life incident or something which is why they’re off the grid. But I guess in people’s minds who genuinely like your content feel left out and left in the dark about what’s going on.


I feel that this energy is sort of how say I’m super keen to hang out or catch up with a friend and they’re all flakey and don’t seem to keen and all that.




A vibe of “us” rather than “there’s you, then there’s me”. A vibe of “here’s what’s going on in my life and journey and I really want to share it with all of you guys”


And I think this is achievable if I focus on getting into the right state/energy of my higher purpose/higher self.

Youtube Community Posts

Below I’ve compiled some of my favourite Youtubers post and analysis on what their posts makes me feel.

System for community posts

Simple system. Brainstorm at start of the week what three community posts I want to create. Will see if I would like to batch create or create as I go to see what I resonate with throughout the week.

Long Form (Podcasts)

I really like long-form in the style of podcasts. Why?

I feel like I really get to know the person. And I think when they integrate a lot of their own stories and open about their journey, then it makes me more willing to buy from them because I feel like I know them and trust them.


Some good podcasts where they’ve executed this well:

I want to create the same experience for my fellow audience too, which is why I’m deciding to start a podcast.


Also, I really like the idea of seeing this new podcast journey of mine to be an opportunity to practice flow.


I’ve ALWAYS wanted to make a podcast… and I feel like the stars have been aligning recently telling me to start – so what the heck I’ma just start haha.

System for my Podcasts:

·      Brainstorm topic idea at beginning of the week

·      To-do: Come up with my podcast intro which i will use for every video.


Note to self: Garageband podcast tutorial:

Short Form (Shorts)

As mentioned in my previous post shorts don’t have to be super perfect with the best edits in the world, they just need to DISPLAY AUTHENTICITY GIVE VALUE.

Here are three types of shorts I am wanting to make:

1.     Me talking to the camera

a.     Just at home in my room

b.     Or while I’m out – I feel like this makes me ‘less boring’ if I’m at different places. Also feels like I’m ‘taking my audience with me’ in my life.

2.     Video (clips of me going about my day) with text overlay – either a quote or something I’ve learnt


System for my shorts:

At the start of the week, think about which shorts I would like to make for the week (3 minimum)


·      Wireless Mic would be good to get for my more complicated short forms


Discord Community

Will update this later. Not too sure yet. May get some clarity later after I have my business mentorship intensive.




System for my Discord Community:

System to be created…



·      I gain energy interacting with my community

·      I love talking with my audience

How will I pull this of? SCRIPT how it will look like...

Content Checklist:


·      x1 podcast

·      x1 video

·      x3 shorts

·      x3 community posts




·       TBA


Training exercise:

·       Whenever I’m in the car driving to the gym, I can practice and pretend I’m talking to the camera or talking to my audience about a particular topic haha

·       The purpose of this is so that I get used to just spontaneously getting into flow when I’m just in ‘idle time’ not really doing much, like driving for half an hour. I usually listen to podcasts but maybe practicing flow by talking as if i’m speaking to a live audience watching me will be beneficial.

·       So then, when I go on like a road trip or something I can just easily set up a camera and then click record and start talking if I got something cool to talk about.