Facing the Dragon

Facing the Dragon

On this journey I feel like I’m facing many dragons…


Especially on the way up and building a business


The dragons keep getting bigger and bigger


And the self doubt keeps getting bigger and bigger….

Dragon 1

One dragon I’ve come across is telling me how much of a failure I’ve been…

It shows me people like Alex & Leila Hormozi who were millionaires at such a young age

And then I compare myself to that

And I’m radically disheartened

Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not who someone else is today.

That’s the way to overcome this particular dragon…

Dragon 2

There’s another dragon which I’ve come across…

This is a weird one to unravel…

When I learn a lot, there’s a lot of ‘pain’ proportional to the lesson

One pain being; thinking how much I’ve been holding myself back until I’ve learnt the particular lesson which I’ve just learnt…

Then I feel guilt & shame for not knowing earlier

It’s as if this dragon was slain, I reached the gold, and then it resurrected itself and is now really protecting the exit and doesn’t want me to escape with the gold.


I think this dragon draws its power from dragons I have not yet encountered;


I feel this;

“If I really want to reach _______ <my dream 5 year goal/destination>, and I’ve made so many mistakes already, then how on earth will I reach my goal…”


There’s that saying; new levels, new devils. And in each new or higher level, the monster/dragon is a lot stronger.


I know my roadmap and my goal and it’s madness; and me struggling where I’m at now makes me feel “how on earth will I accomplish what I set out to accomplish”


And I know there’s just no turning back, I will accomplish this goal or die trying.


So I know I HAVE to face every dragon which comes in my path.


I think this dragon can be slain by the inner alchemist. The inner alchemist is an entrepreneurial spirit; it transmutes FAILURE, FEAR, SHAME, DOUBT into MOTIVATION, LOVE, PEACE, ACCEPTANCE.

Dragon 3

Unconscious Dragon

The dragon which grows when you’ve been operating from the ego for too long. If you’re not taking time to connect with yourself and your true purpose, the dragon gets bigger and bigger (you become more unconscious and detached from your centre, and you will be operating form your EGO).


Here’s what happens when you’re operating in ego mode:






All about money

How can I best serve me



Here’s what happens when you’re operating in higher-self mode:






All about impact

How can I best serve my client


When I’m in higher-self mode, answers come to me more naturally. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There’ still quite a lot of resistance.


But yeah, I feel more in harmony and universal alignment with the universe.

The antidote to all dragons

An antidote to the dragon….


Is AWARENESS… is being present to the PRESENT MOMENT… and to be CONNECTED to the ‘WHY’, your PURPOSE.


If you’re going off in the unknown, and you’re not connected to source, you’ll just be wandering around in the darkness.


Your consciousness, your purpose is the LIGHT.