Sometimes I enter periods of my life where I’m in a foggy season.
So here’s what it looks like.

Here’s what it’s like being in the seasons:
Clear Season | Foggy Season |
· Growing rapidly · Full of optimism · Have a CLEAR vision of the future · Have 100% BELIEF in yourself · Action taker · Winner’s mentality · Confident and strong · High Vibe
| · Feeling stagnant · Full of fear · Have a FOGGY vision of the future · Have crippling self-doubts · Procrastinator · Victim mentality · Weak and scared · Low Vibe |
This is a PATTERN which I have recognised in my life, which is perfectly summed up in the Kyballion.
“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”
– The Kyballion
When I’m in my ‘foggy season’, I seem to walk around, dragging my feet on the ground with my back slouched over sorta vibe.
I need to be able to QUICKLY REALISE when I’m in the foggy season, understand some of the SYMPTOMS of foggy season, then SNAP MYSELF OUT OF IT.
Over the past week or so I’ve fallen and become physically ill, which has affected my overall mental and physical performance.
The fatigue from the sickness lead me to the depths of the foggy season.
In the depths of the foggy season, I FORGET about my DREAMS. My WHY. And my mind begins to play out all of the worst scenarios, and my negative self talk is at an all time high.
The scariest part is the ‘forgetting about my dreams and my why’ part of it all.
How can it be that in such a short period of time, when the fog comes, that I become so blinded? That I become so far detached from my original optimism and state of belief?
I guess this is just the natural flow of the universe, which is stated in the Kyballion.
“Everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything.”
Self-awareness plays a crucial role during these times. And I feel that this is when VISUALISATION is the most relevant.
Ambitious goal = big mountain
I guess one of the things which plunges me into the foggy season is when I think I’m in the middle of a mountain then I come to find out that I’m at the bottom. The realisation that the ambitious goal I set is much scarier than I thought. That the ambitious goal I set seems like absolute madness.
And I keep finding myself in a stop-start-stop-start. Because I get analysis paralysis when I realise the mountain up ahead.
There is a lot of chaos, and not much order.
I’ve been here before.
Not of this magnitude though, but I’ve been here before.
At the bottom of a mountain.
And I believe I do have the mental framework and ‘blueprint’ to navigate the unknown like I always have.
I just need to believe in myself.
Big mountain = present moment
When you’re before a big mountain, standing at the bottom…
When you’re in the ‘beginner phase’ again in a new endeavour…
Maybe the reason for this is that those past accomplishments don’t mean anything when you’re a beginner in this new field.
You may be a professional basketball player, but how are you going to perform in a soccer game? Or you may be a professional pianist, but how well can you play the drums?
Entering a new realm where you’re a small fish in a big pond is terrifying.
You forget all that you’ve achieved before you.
David Goggins has a method for overcoming this phenomena;