My Revised Content Creation Strategy

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Your knowledge and insights are valuable Carrying on from my previous blog post, since I’m on the road of self-improvement, I’m coming across many insights and useful lessons on my…

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Unleashing my higher self

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Why tf am I blogging so much lol… I’ve done like 15,000 words+ of journaling in the past 3 weeks. There’s this concept from Jordan Peterson which says that if you’re lost…

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Facing the Dragon

On this journey I feel like I’m facing many dragons… Especially on the way up and building a business The dragons keep getting bigger and bigger And the self doubt keeps getting bigger…

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Getting a mentor…

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I’ve recently gotten a mentor. Which will be a one day 1:1 full intensive workshop to analyse my business and direction moving forward. I put down my deposit but haven’t had the…

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A foggy season

Sometimes I enter periods of my life where I’m in a foggy season. So here’s what it looks like. Here’s what it’s like being in the seasons: Clear SeasonFoggy Season·      Growing rapidly·     …

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The Perfect Customer Avatar

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What is your niche? “Creating demand is hard. Filling demand is much easier. Don’t create a product, then seek someone to sell it to. Find a market—define your customers—then find…

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Entrepreneurship journey – the Blueprint

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Intro Welcome back, fellow traveller.It took me a while to reach this point so I’m happy I have some sort of direction now after pushing through the chaos in order…

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The Voyage of Entrepreneurship so far…

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Welcome fellow traveller! Gonna be a long blog post so I’ma just dive straight in.  So the ultimate aim… the ultimate goal is financial freedom.Financial freedom equals:·      More time with family·      Be…

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