October 2021 Journey Update

October 2021 Journey Update

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We use these monthly updates as a tool to keep us accountable on our journey.

Hello and welcome to our September monthly update! 

Mr. Shift








$59,215 (+3.69%)

$7,362 (+$3,905)



$3,000 (-$4,362)



$6,461.44 (+$3,461.44)


Quest items completed (from last month)

During October I completed the following quest items:

·      Begun engagement with a buyer’s agent

·      Got my pre-approval

·      Started looking for potential property managers – I will need to get a recommendation for one in a particular area for this. 


Monthly Summary

·      I’ve paid my initial retainer fee for the buyer’s agent, which means they will begin to search on properties on my behalf. I am yet to create a blog post exploring my quest for finding a buyer’s agent and my research before finding one I was happy with.

·      I’ve finally got my pre-approval! Here are my pre-approval details:

o   Commonwealth Bank

o   IO investment loan

o   Pre-approved for $433,900.00

o   Conditional pre-approval until 21 April 2022


My current trajectory

Unfortunately, I fell into a bit of a rut since I didn’t set too many goals for myself after pre-approval an engaging with a buyer’s agent, which was early on in the month. I think I need to set out new goals in the meantime while I’m waiting for other third parties to do their thing. I need to remind myself that at any given moment there is opportunity for me to do something which will help me drive forward to a better future.


Also, in my blog post detailing my Financial Roadmap   I was in a bit of a conundrum and was unsure whether I would go for 20% deposit or 12% deposit. I guess I will just have to decide based on the property which is offered to me!



Next month’s quests

·      Create a blog post about finding a buyer’s agent, what to expect, etc.

·      Create a draft skeleton of my mega-post which will detail my whole property investing journey from A->Z. Hopefully other people can refer to this when they are starting their own property investing journey :-).

·      And of course, most importantly, secure my first property!

Mrs. Shift

Networth Update

Portfolio/Cash update










$23,365.76 (+ 4.97%)


$25,940.71 (- $39,526.23 ; for deposit)


$19,619.56 (- 16.03% ; sold shares)

$535,000 (+ 0.09%)

$30,830.07 (+ $4899.36)



$19,967.57 (+ 1.77%)



$29,982.25 (- $847.82)


Lockdown finally ended in Sydney. It also meant that I bought quite a few things I didn’t buy whilst in lockdown. The main expensive thing I bought was a couch, but all the small things still added up to be quite a bit. My first quarterly Strata, water and council rates bills also came around this month, and as such each quarter will have a similar hit to my cash savings. 

As Christmas approaches, I can already anticipate that I’ll be spending a lot on presents over the next two months. Furthermore, I’m graduating in Melbourne next month, and this means that I know I’ll have to spend quite a bit on the ceremony, the memorabilia, and the flights to and from Melbourne. Hopefully early next year I’ll have more capability to save more in cash.