Weekly Journal #7

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*These weekly reflections are just a personal accountability thing for myself (Mr.Shift) to keep consistent with my weekly reflections of how the week went, and what I can do to improve. This is mainly to help me develop the habits I want to keep improving week by week moving forward.

Summary of the week

This week I think it was not at all great both for side hustle and work-wise in terms of productivity, if I were to compare my performance to last week.


Side hustle

I’ve been on a roll with the first 3 days, however took Thursday – Saturday off. This was not good – I think a rule I should come up with is to do at least ONE 25-minute block regardless. I think if I commit to this, then it will reduce the chance of falling off track. Also, it is easy for me to fall off track with life events going on, such as getting a new bike or doing a day trip – If I were to sacrifice an entire day for a day trip I should at least plan to cover the workload I need to do from Fri-Sun, to make sure I at least get around 7-10 pomodoros in.



Work productivity did take a hit with the decreased workload, however workload is increasing again now so I have no excuse to be unproductive.


Lessons for this week

·      Always maintain consistency, even if it just a little bit a day where I think I wont do anything. I think this is all just to align my very being to the structure/system I want to follow.


Reflection/How I could improve

·      Consistency is key – I should try at best to do 1×25 minute Pomodoro study session no matter what

·      Planning for the week/weekend – I need to plan especially for the weekend to know exactly when I will spend the time to study.

·      Planning the week – What I need to accomplish this week to set me up for next weeks tasks.