Weekly Journal #5

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*These weekly reflections are just a personal accountability thing for myself (Mr.Shift) to keep consistent with my weekly reflections of how the week went, and what I can do to improve. This is mainly to help me develop the habits I want to keep improving week by week moving forward.

Summary of the week

·      This week hasn’t been the most productive. I’ve had a bit of a dip in my productivity/momentum, which is unfortunate. However, I think my response to these dips have been a lot more positive than it has been in the past – for e.g. I would still sometimes try to manage at least 1×25 minute Pomodoro study session even if I’m really tired and don’t feel like it and just want to sleep. Also, despite being busy and not at home this weekend I’ve still managed to find the time this Sunday to complete my monthly update and weekly reflection.

·      Now that I know I’ve hit a bit of a dip and lower productivity, I can now set on improving and getting back on track.

Reflection / How I could improve

·      I haven’t done my task inventory which I aimed to do last week. I need to do this, especially for work, so I keep on top of things.

o   As part of my morning routine I will need to know how my day will go and what I will try to accomplish – a daily quest list. I always read about people visualising their day the night before, I need to build myself to the point where I have a system in place like this.

·      I need to strictly define my main quest for the short term (let’s say for the week and fortnight) and define what I want to accomplish.

·      When I’m not at home on the weekend, I still need to stick to my morning routine otherwise I would feel very off. Morning routine: morning run, stretch, meditate/quiet time.

·      When I’m not at home on the weekend, I still need my plan on what I need to accomplish. I think a good start would be promising myself at least 1×25 minute Pomodoro even if I am having a ‘fun’ day off (e.g. Sat) on the weekend.

·      Maybe with book club with Mrs. Shift we can discuss at the end of the week how we will want to improve and what we want to accomplish for the following week.