Weekly Journal #3

*These weekly reflections are just a personal accountability thing for myself (Mr.Shift) to keep consistent with my weekly reflections of how the week went, and what I can do to improve. This is mainly to help me develop the habits I want to keep improving week by week moving forward.

Reflections – Week 32/52


I’ve had a pretty good week again this week J The Pomodoro technique was very handy again and it just seems so normal to me to using this timer, as in I seem to have been able to adapt with this habit so seamlessly and its being doing wonders for my productivity.


Last week I said that I wanted to improve on my accuracy. My productivity is good, but it’s my accuracy which needs refining. By accuracy, I mean working on the correct or most optimal task at hand. This applies to both work and side hustle.



·      This week I realised that with one of my projects, I have used up too much hours and now we don’t have many hours left to complete the project. I need to be more intentional and mindful of planning my hours and workload with the end goal in mind. So at the start of the project I need to clearly define the timeline and hours and tasks/deliverables and try to make sure I allocate the right amount of time for each task and keep track of this weekly.
This really ties back in with my goal of working on the ‘correct’ and ‘most optimal’ task at hand


o   Track project hours and time spent on a spreadsheet

o   Begin week by doing an ‘inventory’ of what tasks I have and what I want to have done by the end of the week.


Real Estate

·      I feel like I’m bush-bashing through this and there’s no clear path. I think the best that I can do is keep sketching out potential paths/ things to look out for in my path. So essentially I start off with a very broad/blurry path which narrows down into a clearer sense of direction.
This has worked well so far. Previously, my property hunting journey began with what to look for in a suburb, and I didn’t really know how to move forward from there. Then I realised later on after quite some work, that my path should ultimately be:
(1) Find a general area to invest in – e.g. Brisbane Western Region

(2) Find the suburbs which have the houses which meet my general criteria (price, min land size, etc.)

(3) Study and understand the suburbs which fall into this category

(4) Further narrow down search by a property checklist criterion – e.g. has to be within 2km of train station, etc.

·      So now that I have that general plan, what I now need to do is focus on those 4 things. There are a lot of other things that ‘pop up’ during my journey which can lead me astray on a bit of a rabbit hole, but what I do need to do is just take note of it to do later, then focus on my task at hand. I need to make sure I complete the ‘backbone’ first before attend to other things I discover on my journey.


o   I’m already sorta doing it but I can definitely improve. What I need to do is create a timeline of (1) to (4) and write down all of the side quests which I need to do.



I need to work on my accuracy. I’ve made note of the system I want to implement for both work and side hustle to hopefully help me improve on this.