An introduction to our journey

An introduction to our journey

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Goal Setting as a couple

As a couple, we are embarking on this journey towards financial independence together. We have sat down, put pen to paper and have come up with our first pass draft of how we want the next 5 years to progress.

As we are not married (despite going with the names Mr. and Mrs. Shift), we are operating separately in our finances. However, we are working in unison with the same goal in mind, and our finances will combine when the time comes.

The original 5-year goal we have set were:

·      Mr Shift – To have an ETF portfolio of 500k

·      Mrs Shift –  To have 3 investment properties

At the end of or 5 year goal is the cherry on top where we buy our PPOR together!

The plan has shifted quite a bit since then and Mr. Shift is now going to add property into his portfolio.


It is normal that things evolve as we change and grow and we may set our sights on new horizons. Regardless of the changes in the path, the aim destination is still the same, which is to continue building our wealth towards financial independence. This blog will serve to keep us accountable as we track and document our journey.